Welcome to the Modern Moon Life

Stories from a shift from the masculine sun-based energy to finding a feminine moon-based life.

The artistry of rope + intentionality | Expressions of creativity

The artistry of rope + intentionality | Expressions of creativity

I believe rope has many uses as a form of creative expression when tied on a human body. Sexual is one of them, probably the best-known one, built around and from the kink community,  but it is not the only one. 

Some other examples can be for beauty, for there is an art to tying, and artistry from the weave and placement of the rope. Another is expression, rope can be tied on a body for different reasons, to evoke different reactions, placed in different ways with intention. Perhaps using it to cause pain for catharsis, or simply used to feel the embrace of tight rope for comfort. 

Miss Acacia was one of my first teachers of rope when I entered the public world of it at Upline Studio. And in all of her classes, of which I attended as a bottom, she articulated, and showed, the power of tying rope on a body with intention. Meaning, whatever you do, she would say speaking to the tops, do it with intention. That resonated with me as a photographer and an artist, and I was grateful for the education she was instilling into those who tie. 

So when this creative collaboration came together, between her, myself, and Lisa, an experienced dancer and aerialist, including pole work, and rope bottom, I was so excited by what I would be able to capture. And when I met Lisa at the session, I was struck immediately by her knowledge of her body, and its strength, as her creative expression. 

The intentionality of Miss Acacia’s rope was enhanced by the literal embodiment of Lisa’s ability to showcase it on her body. A photographer’s dream, at least this one.

Copyright 2022 Moon Rae Portraits

At one point in this tie, Miss Acacia looked over at me and said “Asymmetry is ok, right?” as part of her artistry often includes between examples of perfect symmetry. But Lisa had a slight injury that needed an accomodation, and Miss Acacia, as the consummate professional, adjusted accordingly. Because she, Miss Acacia, knew that the bottom’s comfort was more important than her preference for symmetry. The problem was, I am ALSO a symmetry fan, and my OCD of trying to control all the details possible extends to my photography, so I half-shrugged and said jokingly said: “I think I am the wrong person to ask.” 

“It will be fine!” She faux-cheerily, half-muttered, and all three of us laughed, because we knew it would be, but also because we could recognize and play out the reality that there is discomfort in art, just like in life. And as you can see, it was.

Asymmetric, beautiful, suspension-capable, and comfortable (well comfortable-ish 😂 see caveats about rope below).

Copyright 2022 Moon Rae Portraits

This is another moment in which, as we returned the swing to its place in the studio*, I mentioned: “I love the beauty of this swing, but it’s hard to photograph people on it. It’s very awkward and low to the ground.” Lisa said, armed with her flowy dress and accompanying rope-as-fashion harness: “Let me try!” 

She sat, wiggled around, agreed it was uncomfortable, stood, and then THIS! 

It was like she said “Hold my (metaphorical, well-deserved) crown!” and NAILED IT!

This is a print that I will hang in my home, I love it that much, for I feel it exemplifies the beauty of rope in so many ways (and is safe enough to display 😂).

*theater rule: always return the space better than how you found it. IFYKYK

Here are a few more of my favorites and the intentions that I saw behind them: 

Beauty, Femininity, Body strength and flexibility

Suspension, Play, Fun, Strength

I was so grateful to be able to use my particular creative expression of photography and observation to capture this dance, one between rigger-rope-body, and for all of us, self. A group of strong women, dedicated to our chosen craft, in a room, making beauty and perhaps even magic. ✨

Thank you both so much for joining me on this dream shoot day! 

And for taking time to remind me let go and spin joyfully. 😊 Something we should all do from time to time. ❤️

**Now, I’d be remiss if I didn’t list a few caveats: I reference gender here because all of the people in this post self-identify as women. I mention this because I firmly believe gender is a spectrum and a choice and not always related to our assignments at birth. I also believe the expressions of rope on a body are a spectrum and can be more than “just” an expression of femininity as a bottom, but that was our intention on this day. For more expressions of rope in all forms please visit my Instagram page

Also, rope on a body can be dangerous. Please devote yourself, whether as a top or a bottom, to education (either in-person or online or both!) before trying this at home.

All images copyright 2022 Moon Rae Portraits

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