Welcome to the Modern Moon Life

Stories from a shift from the masculine sun-based energy to finding a feminine moon-based life.

The Man in the Woods - A Real Life Parable

The Man in the Woods - A Real Life Parable


On 11/11/2018 (which is an 11 year - so 11/11/11), my brother and I went on a long hike with the dog. All day I had been feeling the divine transmissions. In the middle of our walk, we passed an elderly man with a walking stick slowly making his way around the reservoir.

At the very end, we happened upon him again. My brother was ahead with the dog and disappeared from view. I caught up with the man and slowed down to match his pace, knowing we were close to the parking lot. Somehow, we strayed from the path a bit and were walking through the late autumn brush. When we found the main path again, I headed off in where I thought my brother had gone (and presumably where the cars were). The gentleman gently suggested the other way. I wasn’t convinced either way, but open to the universe, so we walked out and around a bend to find the cars.

I am sure I would have found it on my own, but I was grateful for this sweet stranger that day. For his company and direction. He shared he hadn’t been back in a year and who knows when he’ll come back again with his health, but he was my guide for a short time. A moment of aloneness not made so alone by a quiet presence.

I wrote this on 11/11, making sure to note how it felt important. But as I went to type it up and share it publicly, I was a bit hesitant because it was an elderly man vs. an elderly woman. But part of my journey is embracing the balance of masculine and feminine energy in life (as mine is woefully off balance). The guide being a man in this moment feels significant. He was in no way threatening, I was more worried about him getting around in the woods, but writing this, that subtext was there. Had he been a younger man, I don’t know that I would have been as comfortable alone with him. I did talk to my brother after about leaving me, as in NOT to do it again. I feel like this is important to note because it is part of the conversation that women have, that men may not.

The Opposite of Wanderlust - A Journey with Agoraphobia

The Opposite of Wanderlust - A Journey with Agoraphobia

Modern Moon Living - The Beginning

Modern Moon Living - The Beginning