Welcome to the Modern Moon Life

Stories from a shift from the masculine sun-based energy to finding a feminine moon-based life.

The Amount of Potential Past Lives is Staggering - Cycles of our Souls

The Amount of Potential Past Lives is Staggering - Cycles of our Souls

I’m very into cycles. The inhale and exhale of breath. The waxing and waning of the moon. The turning of the seasons and years.

But also, in observing these patterns, thinking that maybe this applies to life too. Birth and death. And that death may signal a rebirth somewhere else. Some other time, some other body.

And if that is true, if our souls are here for more than one lifetime, the potential numbers of HOW many potential lifetimes are staggering.

I will say I’m not a person who lives by math in its traditional form. I see patterns in numbers. Not in how they line up to be added and subtracted, but in their repetition. A tantalizing almost language, winking with unheard messages from somewhere. The place where souls go when they are not here perhaps. So that is my caveat in case my math is wrong, I promise you the numbers are not. 

This line of thinking started from a meme that depicted the amount of ancestors it took to get you (me), any one person, here today.

The knowledge that if you look at a family tree, those branches spread out fast. (photo from Etsy)

The knowledge that if you look at a family tree, those branches spread out fast. (photo from Etsy)

And if humans have been on earth for 200,000 years, that’s about 10,000 generations to get where we are. 

I immediately thought of the TV show The Good Place [Spoilers ahead, please go watch it, I’ll wait…] 

Ok, so, the premise of restarting each time, having them forget on restart, but also (at least for Janet) the ability to level up each time, seems right.  In each restart, getting to play it out in different ways.

Even if you take the topic of souls out of it, science has shown that we hold ancestral data in our DNA. Now, most of that is probably trauma-based, learned behavior coded to keep us alive, for survival, but maybe not all. But whatever this information is, in whatever combination we received from our pool of ancestors, we are carrying that around in our bodies from birth. 

And yet, our mind forgets. 

Putting the soul back into the conversation, if it has traveled throughout all these years (hopefully getting a break every few generations or so, one deserves a rest!), that’s still a lot of stored cycles. A lot of restarts. 

Personally, ’ve spent this lifetime allowing my brain, my mind, to be in charge. For many reasons, I’ve ignored my body, my internal compass if you will. I was trying, desperately, to fit in, to survive - but in modern terms. 

I was dubbed, since birth, an “old soul” from an older (wiser) generation. The grandmothers of my parents. People with whom I have no recollection despite being held by them, loved by them. Maybe because I don’t remember them, never really met them, that label seemed a weakness, not a strength. And with the impetuousness of youth - with the ego of being young - I thought about fitting in the NOW times is what mattered most.

But perhaps, if the body holds the history, the knowing, and the mind holds the learning, the NOW survival, the overseeing of the automatic systems that keep us alive (in theory, because really, the body does that too, quietly in its own way), perhaps there is a third element to this. A middle ground that can listen for the messages from the body AND the brain and take them both in as inputs. Not putting the importance of one over the other, but trust they “say” what they do for very complicated reasons. 

And that middle ground - that consciousness - is the part that makes the decisions. 

It won’t prevent the automatic negative thoughts that may pour from the brain in times of perceived stress. And it won’t prevent the butterflies in one’s stomach from the part of the body that is connected to the soul that may have traveled lifetimes. But it can be the one to decide how the WHOLE can act in those situations. Taking the ALL into account. Trying to come from a place of fairness and generosity instead of just reacting. 

Perhaps that is when the cycles stop. 

Or, in probability, when one cycle ends, we level up and a new one begins. Because the cycles live within spirals. 🤦‍♀️😂

And that’s why, while we are here, in this life, looking for simple pleasures and joy is important too. 

Because in spite of everything I just laid out, now IS all we have. ❤️ 

Cover Photo by Yash Raut on Unsplash

Feelings are Valid - Learning to Communicate Emotions as an Adult

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