Welcome to the Modern Moon Life

Stories from a shift from the masculine sun-based energy to finding a feminine moon-based life.

Raindrops on a Pond - Beginning and Endings

Raindrops on a Pond - Beginning and Endings


The ripplings of the unimaginable. 

The first raindrops to hit a still pond. 

How could you capture that moment when others follow behind in milliseconds? And yet, that time exists - those first drops. But it doesn’t exist without the ones before - stillness, and the ones after - more raindrops. 

The ripples interact in unimaginable ways because of the moments next. But what if we trusted that they - and we - are exactly where were are meant to be, “interrupted” ripples and all?

And when it’s over - when the last drops have hit the pond’s surface - now covered in ripples, perhaps so many that you can’t distinguish one from the other, do the marks from the first drops exist? Or are they just felt? 

For there can’t be an end without a beginning. 

Why are we afraid of endings? Can’t the beautiful beginning sometimes be more frightening? Maybe the key is not to be afraid at all, but to understand that it will always change, and time is our only precious currency to spend.

Header photo by me, Rachel Avery Conley, and image on blog page by Ali Abdul Rahman on Unsplash

Conscious Communication - Choosing Quality over Quantity

Conscious Communication - Choosing Quality over Quantity

A Letter of Apology from my Higher Self

A Letter of Apology from my Higher Self