Welcome to the Modern Moon Life

Stories from a shift from the masculine sun-based energy to finding a feminine moon-based life.

Astrology for Women - What is your Moon Sign?

Astrology for Women - What is your Moon Sign?


All my life I’ve been a Pisces. Like, UBER-Pisces. It is how I self-identify and something I’ve always clung to. But, after motherhood, I felt this other side. This non-watery dreamy side. A need for action. RAGE. That didn’t feel very Pisces-like.

But that was my limit to understanding Astrology. Until I attended a conference co-led by Ruby Warrington of the Numinous. And she understands the power of Astrology.

I went in with the same thought - I’m a Pisces, I’ll learn more about that. In the email before the retreat, we were told to download our full birth chart. (And I invite you to do your own here.) It validated some things - Pisces sun & rising sun, but a whole night sky emerged.


In the workshop, we dove deeper into the meanings of the full chart, which is unique to each person. And one phrase helped me to understand myself so much better: “Your moon sign represents your feminine side, while your sun sign channels more masculine energy.”

My moon sign is Aries, a fire sign. So very different from the watery sun & rising sun in Pisces that I had only identified with before. And it fit. It explained the seemingly out of character (or so I thought) feelings. My admitted skepticism was further shattered after learning about the other planets and houses that make up a full birth chart. It would take many blog posts to go into depth, but I’ve found that researching this can offer insight into various parts of who you may be and how you relate while on this journey. There is also benefit in searching for sun + moon combination for more in-depth observation. Google helps and I’ve used this resource: https://i.thehoroscope.co/astrology/sun-moon/. The AstroTwins also come highly recommended for further study.

In the least, know that there is more to astrology beyond what your sun sign may be. And in finding the balance between male and female energy within, understanding your moon sign is a great place to start.

Herstory - The Confusion of being a Woman

Herstory - The Confusion of being a Woman

It takes two to speak the truth - one to speak and another to hear.